Saturday, December 19, 2020

40+ Funny Gift Ideas Hilarious Gifts for Friends 2020

Ah, the office or neighborhood lush, who insists they’ve had ‘just the one’ glass of wine. This whopping wine glass holds 750ml of wine, and makes drinking from the bottle far classier than wrapping a brown paper bag around it and swigging from that. Ok, not if it's a real phobia that might actually give them a panic attack. But, we're talking about a fear of spiders or a borderline hypochondriac. There are loads of funny gifts that tease them about their fears and hopefully help them laugh about it.

That means that having a good sense of humour is paramount when looking for potential Kris Kringle presents. It’s always better to choose a Kris Kringle gift that’ll make someone laugh, or even take them by surprise. A gift that will elicit laughter is always the most memorable pick.

Funtime Memory Maze

For a secret Santa who wants to be a-head of the rest, this is the gift to give. Whose bag doesn’t have a lot of random crap in it? Well, now here’s a bag which is big enough to hold it all, AND tell you what’s inside – random crap! It’s roomy, water resistant, and has a zipper so all your – yep, you guessed it – random crap doesn’t fall out. Have you ever read a book that made you laugh out loud, so much so that the person next to you gets up and moves away?

funny kk gift ideas

Keep them stored in the freezer so they are ready... Keep your tech stuff all in one place when you're on the go, on holiday or even on your daily commutes. Various loops and pockets give you flexibility; suitable for carrying cables, charging leads, ear-phones, phones, pens and pencils and other stationery items.

Rose Wine Boozy Soap

Anyway, if you know someone who dithers over decisions, this is like a modern day magic 8 ball – just ask it a question, swing the ball, and see what it tells you to do. If you agree on politics, go ahead and get them something funny that relates to your shared point of view. Election years are a great time to bond over your favorite and least favorite candidates. Do they collect something or have to try every kind of something?

Piece it together to make a comprehensive illustrated cha... Perhaps sometimes creepy, but always amusing, send your friend or family member a Custom Look-A-Like Puppet handcrafted to look exactly like them. It’s the funny adult version of an American Girl doll that looks like you. As we all know, dad jokes are always bad, but this pocket-sized book of father-approved quips are exceptionally bad.

Need more ideas?

Beanies are a winter essential and this sustainable cotton patch beanie is an excellent option for gifting. This ultra-cozy beanie will keep the recipient warm all winter long. It's made from breathable organic cotton grown without the use of synthetic pesticides.

funny kk gift ideas

You can also send a funny photo or design to make a digitally printed tee. These clever ideas will liven up any White Elephant exchange or Christmas party. You'll find funny secret Santa gifts, the best secret Santa gifts and quirky Secret Santa and Kris Kringles for under $30 in this section.

Koolface Toilet Paper Poo

Arrange cups in a triangular shape at either end of a... Maybe your giftee thought she was the next Britney Spears. No one needs a reason to bust out a tune, but the Kikkerland Design UO Exclusive Mini Karaoke Microphone can surely help you do it. We can’t decide if these are funny or just cute or both, but AirPods cases should always be decorated.

funny kk gift ideas

Game board aficionados with a penchant for belly-laughing will adore the Jokes On Me Card Game. It’s the perfect adult party game designed to help everybody out of their comfort zone and get a little silly. Soccer fans will love these unique Soccer Ice Ball Moulds by Kikkerland which make two balls of ice in perfect soccer ball shapes. Basketball fans will love these unique Basketball Ice Ball Moulds by Kikkerland which make two balls of ice in perfect basketball shapes.

This classic novelty drinking bird is a scientific wonder. Dip head in water and the liquid inside will flow upside down to make Duncan bob. This seemingly simple device uses the principles of thermodynamics to maintain a constant bobbing motion.

Be challenged for hours by this complex Dogs p... The Harry Potter Memory Master Cards will put your memory to the test. Take turns memorising your hand then trade cards with your partner. The Fizz Creations Sumo Squats is a fun game will have the you crying with laughter.

Friday, December 18, 2020

Early-Onset Alzheimer's Disease: A Resource List National Institute on Aging

There are typically three stages—early, middle and late—that can span a few years to two decades. Dementia is a growing global public health concern currently affecting 50 million people and is expected to rise dramatically to more than 150 million cases worldwide by 2050. Obesity, commonly measured by body mass index , continues to be a global epidemic and earlier studies suggested that obesity at midlife may lead to increased risk for dementia.

For extreme conditions, there are early onset dementia care homes that are well-equipped to deal with the multitude of complications that can arise following as a result of early onset dementia. To help patients and their families, Dementia UK employs Admiral nurses to work in hospitals, care homes and the community, as well as providing a national helpline. There is tremendous unmet medical need to develop effective therapies for FTD, and this is an exciting time with multiple studies of new potential treatments underway.

Stage 6: Moderately Severe Dementia

But the NHS says that "with the right treatment and support, many people are able to lead active, fulfilled lives". It can be brought on by infection - one of the main reasons dementia patients are admitted to hospital - alongside falls and dehydration. This form collects your data for our records and marketing purposes. For more information on how we use, protect and manage your submitted data, please read our privacy statement. We have our own secure garden that opens directly off the unit so our residents can safely spend as much time outside as they like.

They are capable of dressing, bathing, walking, and may still drive. Eventually, finding a balance between independence and interdependence can be done. "I'm a daughter who supports my mum living with Alzheimer's disease. And I know the local hospitals should I need to go with her - have limited dementia provision."

Americans Are Confused With Their Medical Bills. Here’s How the Healthcare Industry Can Help

So, once care services are put in place, we will remain in close contact with you to ensure that everything is running smoothly and if further assistance is required as the condition develops. Just like Alzheimer’s in people over age 65, the cause can be genetic or unknown. 24 hour Freephone Dementia Helpline Emotional support and signposting advice, available 24 hours, everyday of the year. Talk to our care team and schedule your free in-home care assessment. HomeChoice Home Care Solutions of Raleigh is a non-medical home care agency licensed by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services.

early onset dementia care homes

Diabetes is a global health concern expected to affect 693 million people worldwide by 2045. It's been well documented how diet and exercise influence risk of type 2 diabetes; however, a new study ... National Dementia Carers Action Network A campaigning network whose members have personal experience of caring for a person with dementia.

How is younger onset dementia diagnosed?

This document gives you -- or whomever your loved one designates -- the right to make financial, property, and personal care decisions for the person with dementia. Unlike other forms of dementia care, early onset dementia care is developed specifically to accommodate for the needs of people between the ages of 30 and 65 years old. And the symptoms for early onset dementia are the same as at any age, but are more likely to be excused as stress or some other issue. Forgetfulness, difficulty planning or organizing, misplacing objects are common signs of the early stages of dementia.

Just been informed that Mary is being transferred to her Care Home on Monday 11th May - 5 weeks from admission to hospital for assessment. Just sheer luck it is so soon - her level of care need and predictable rapid decline ensured short waiting list. They don't last long so there are rooms becoming available far more rapidly than with Az. I have only experience of mixed dementia, where I found the early stages were certainly slow, the mid stages were fast, and the late stages are interminably slow and apparently unending. If a patient has severe behavioural problems such as aggression or violence that simple kind care is inadequate, then usually the patient is moved into NHS care in a secure medical unit.

Accessing Alzheimer Scotland support

The Mayo Clinic website also has links to numerous resources for those living with dementia. Au points out that for individuals, family members, and primary care physicians, it is relatively easy to monitor weight. Community activities Opportunities for people to participate in activities that increase and, where possible improve physical, mental and emotional wellbeing for people living with dementia. Kerry says the lack of stimulation and physical movement in a hospital ward are huge issues for people living with dementia. They work closely with each resident, providing individual care and support to enable them to live safely and as independently as possible, and with dignity at all times. He was early onset dementia; in his 50's through the early, middle stages, and mid 60's when he moved from moderate to needing full nursing care.

early onset dementia care homes

His experiences in marketing, sales, customer service and brand management led him to home care business ownership in 2010. Brian is compassionate about providing the best care possible to his clients while also providing their family members the reassurance that their loved ones are in great hands. He is an avid mountain biker, golfer and a fan of the Boston Red Sox and the University of Connecticut Huskies. Brian resides in Apex, NC with his wife, Jennifer and their two children. One of the most significant challenges caregivers face is not knowing how much assistance to give or when to give it. The person with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease is still primarily independent.

Margaret spent six weeks in hospital and a further seven in a nursing home before she died. With reference to the first quote I am friendly with someone whose wife has FTDs. Diagnosed shortly after Lionel, she even went to the same day centre as him, and now they have ended up in the same wonderful care home.

early onset dementia care homes

According to the Alzheimer's Association, people with early-onset dementia are commonly let go from jobs. The person you're caring for may have young children at home when diagnosed with early-onset dementia. This can make caregiving challenging because the children will have a wide range of emotions about their parent's condition.

What Is Alzheimer's Disease?

Advance planning ideally takes place soon after a diagnosis of early-stage Alzheimer’s disease, while the person can still think clearly and make decisions. This web page explains the basics of legal and financial planning and links to helpful NIA publications. This online tip sheet suggests ways to live well with early-onset Alzheimer’s. Accepting the disease and making changes at home and at work are key. Tips are given for financial planning, health and safety, and relationships.

early onset dementia care homes

The hospital trust told Sky News it "works closely with our partners to ensure that patients can be discharged as soon as possible". Lisa, 46, says that after she stopped eating and drinking properly in the care home, she was taken to hospital with severe dehydration. "With dementia it's really important to maintain neuron-to-neuron connections by stimulating the brain everyday - if you take that away you will find deterioration in cognition. "There's often a breakdown in communication and the right information doesn't always travel with that person about what their usual baseline is.

My wife is aged 58 and has dementia but not Az - she has FTD (Fronto-Temporal Dementia) otherwise known as Pick's Disease. I was really surprised by how many people responded - really a great help. I think it's shocking that they've deemed your mum with too high care needs. Keep looking and have hope that a home will want your mum and will give her the best care.

early onset dementia care homes

My Dad has just moved into a nursing home a few weeks ago solely for people with dementia. Unfortunately at the moment he is the only young person in there. Everyone else is older, although they are in some ways more able bodied and communicative than my dad.

care homes for people with early onset Dementia Talking Point

Participation in interventional clinical trials is critical to bringing new therapies to market. Anyone who has been diagnosed with FTD or who has a potential family history of FTD and is interested in genetic testing and clinical trial opportunities can learn more at the links above. People with young onset dementia have very different needs to older people with Dementia. For instance, dementia care homes don't require - necessarily - secure access. That would be no use for residents who might put themselves at risk by walking out.

early onset dementia care homes

At this stage of dementia development, a patient generally does not exhibit any significant problems with memory, or any cognitive impairment. Stages 1-3 of dementia progression are generally known as "pre-dementia" stages. In this online fact sheet, a neuropsychologist answers questions about early-onset Alzheimer’s disease. Topics covered include how and why the disease often runs in families, the advisability of genetic testing, coping at work, and changes in family relationships. This fact sheet explains basic genetics and the genetic mutations and risk factors involved in early- and late-onset Alzheimer’s disease.

What is Early Onset Dementia Care?

Use our search to find out what is available in your area, or contact your local Dementia Advisor to find out more. People with dementia are six times more likely to experience delirium in hospital than patients who don't have the condition. Some studies suggest delirium can be linked to accelerated cognitive decline. For 7/24 care, the dividing line appears to be whether the patient has medical needs or simply care needs. The NHS provides accommodation and services for medical needs - and the local authority provides for non-medical care needs either directly or by placements in care homes.

early onset dementia care homes

Beyond a particular stage - and that will be different for all cases - the care is what matters, not the age of the fellow residents. I suspect however, that by the time the care needs reach that stage, the problem will mostly be with the carer's perceptions and sensitivities. Most of Mary's fellow residents never speak and spend much of the day dozing. Also see the Social Work people – does Mum have a designated social worker? Between the NHS and Social Work, they should be able to find a suitable care home for her. It is not really a matter for YOU to find a care home – it is a specialized area and you should get help not have the problem passed to you.

Shortlisting care providers

As many who have been on this Forum for a while know, I had extreme difficulties in getting my husband out of the assessment ward. I had a very, very hard fight to get the Consultant to understand that the assessment ward should not be the long term placement for my husband. He was on a section III which meant that I had very little say over his future. So I guess my point is that the CDC/EMI classification is just not a reliable enough as to whether homes can really cope with challenging behaviour. My Mum worried the home wouldn't accept my Dad due to his age but surely that's discrimination. Homes have to accept that dementia in young people is on the increase and I think it's shocking that they've deemed your mum with too high care needs.

Rapid changes in mood or behaviour can sometimes be indicative of early onset dementia. For people who can no longer carry out daily tasks they once did, and get emotional over this fact, carers can provide assistance, as well as a friendly face to talk to. Despite there being a vast array of dementia care services to those with more common types of dementia, younger individuals with dementia sometimes find themselves unable to secure appropriate care. Early onset dementia is one of the most overlooked forms of the condition. Due to dementia’s association with older age, many fail to realise that dementia symptoms can be observed from as young as 20 years old. The Alzheimer’s Association provides detailed information about different types of benefits and insurance to consider.

Resources for carers

Furthermore, the information reflects the opinions of the author alone and not those of the author’s employer or Healthcare Brands. For more information, please carefully read our Privacy Policy the Terms and Conditions of Use. Oftentimes, this mild decline in memory is merely normal age-related cognitive decline, but it can also be one of the earliest signs of degenerative dementia. At this stage, signs are still virtually undetectable through clinical testing.

There are homes which cater for younger dementia patients but they are usually few and far between. In stage 4 dementia, individuals have no trouble recognizing familiar faces or traveling to familiar locations. However, patients in this stage will often avoid challenging situations in order to hide symptoms or prevent stress or anxiety. Early-onset Alzheimer's disease occurs between a person's 30s to mid-60s. It is rare, representing less than 10 percent of all people who have Alzheimer's. People with this disorder are younger than those with late-onset Alzheimer’s and face different issues, such as dealing with disability at work, raising children, and finding the right support groups.

Early onset is so rare that a care unit occupied only by younger folk does not exist. So, in our case, we had not even got the option of trying to find a young onset home. The Consultant wouldn't have agreed and Ken would not be able to be moved there.

It is often said that one month of FTD has a worse effect than one year with Az. FTD sufferers are going to deteriorate far faster than Az sufferers and sadly mostly live for only a few years from onset . Pick's disease results in a mean age of death of 6 years from onset and so the choice of the correct care level of home is critical if later transfer to anywhere other than a hospice is to be avoided.

Former VA Secretary Teams up With Daughter to Launch Chronic Pain Care Startup

Dementia has been diagnosed in people in their 50s, 40s and even in their 30s. Your help is really important to your loved one's quality of life. You'll probably feel anxious, depressed, and even angry sometimes. A person with dementia often needs long hours of care and a lot of monitoring, which can make you feel exhausted and overwhelmed.

early onset dementia care homes

The doctor who cares for the person with dementia may develop a Health Care Plan that can help with the cost of specialised services such as physiotherapy. A doctor might also arrange for an assessment by an Aged Care Assessment Team . Although the person with dementia is not aged, this type of assessment is sometimes used to access a range of health services that can help the person with dementia and their carer.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Brooklands Nursing & Residential Home, Costessey Lane, Drayton, Norwich, NR8 6HB

To test, monitor and allow residents to communicate with relatives, the prevalence of room-level connectivity within the home is becoming increasingly relevant. The Care Quality Commission is the independent regulator of health and social care in England. It monitors and inspects services, to make sure they are safe, effective and provide high-quality care.

Choice Dining is a food-focused accreditation designed to give care-seekers like yourself the ability to consider and compare the dining experience within different care settings. We have therefore encouraged every provider to open their ‘online windows and doors’ to help you make an informed choice. Danforth Care Homes offers short-term respite stays for older people who might not want or need to move in permanently. Whether they are recovering from surgery or illness, or want to give their family carer a break, short stays can be organised and then repeated as often as required. Our caring and friendly staff use specialised technology which assists in providing this personalised care. Our computerised care planning system allows us to develop a personal and individual care plan for every resident, that includes their hobbies and interests as well as medical needs.

Grenville Court Care Home

Autumna has invited care providers to evidence the infection control measures they are carrying out, above and beyond those laid out by the government, in order to keep residents, staff and visitors safe. Autumna is the UK's largest and most comprehensive later-life living & elderly care directory. Our detailed search facility and team of expert advisors can help you find the best care homes, nursing homes, retirement homes, retirement villages, home care, and live-in care services for you or your loved one's needs. Our website is free to use, we are proudly independent, and we never take referral fees.

brooklands care home norwich

We provide the highest standard of residential, dementia and respite care to all residents in a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Broadlands Lodge care home in Norwich, Norfolk, opened in October 2022 and provides 24-hour residential and dementia care, within a newly built, state-of-the-art home, where residents stay for one all encompassing fee. Broadlands Lodge is part of Danforth Care Ltd. and benefits from the support of an experienced management team. They inspect care homes and care services to make sure they are safe, caring, effective, responsive and well-led.

Our care

At Brooklands we strive to deliver customised care in a communal setting and a quality of life that is purposeful for all our residents. At our care home in Drayton, Norwich, our skilled team are committed to providing compassionate and loving care to our residents. Our tailored services include residential care, dementia care and nursing care, while also allowing your loved ones to enjoy vibrant lifestyle choices to help them live life to the full. We ensure that your loved ones feel safe and contented, our Drayton, Norwich care home being a home away from home for our residents.

Karen then joined Brooklands in 2014 bringing with her a wealth of experience working with older people and their families and leading teams. If this service has not had a CQC inspection since it registered with us, our judgement may be based on our assessment of declarations and evidence supplied by the service. For services we haven't rated we use ticks and crosses to show whether we've asked them to take further action or taken enforcement action against them. – the service isn't performing as well as it should and we have told the service how it must improve. Brooklands Nursing & Residential Home provides Nursing, Dementia, Residential, and Palliative care.

The UK's largest & most detailed directory of elderly care and retirement living options

You can enjoy wonderful sensory gardens, a hair & beauty salon, cinema, libraries, dining rooms, lounges, café bar and garden rooms. – there are some services which we can’t rate, while some might be under appeal from the provider. – the service is performing badly and we've taken enforcement action against the provider of the service.

brooklands care home norwich

Brooklands Care Home provides Residential, Nursing, Dementia and Respite care. Residents are encouraged to bring along some home comforts for the personal touch. To us, these things are second nature, assisted by our detailed knowledge of each person we care for and born by an intense desire to help and strong caring values amongst our team members.

Badgers Wood is a residential care home situated in Drayton, approximately four miles from the city of Norwich. This outstanding care home comes with a library, a retro lounge and a seaside room for relaxation and reminiscence. Every registered care provider in the UK can claim a free listing on Autumna.

brooklands care home norwich

You can explore the specifics of all participating homes in the tab below to learn more about the food on offer, how it is served and presented and what they’re doing to cater for your personal taste. Infection Control Initiatives in place Infection Control Training Our staff are trained to use measures which prevent and control infections. Sterilisation & Disinfection Devices We are using sterilisation and/or disinfection devices within our care setting.

Broadlands Lodge, Norfolk

After several years spent working as a carer, Karen was promoted to the role of team leader managing and overseeing care in the community. It was this impactful work that inspired her move to residential care, as Deputy Manager in a care home. Residential care is an ideal option for older people who could benefit from some extra support and security in their lives. Staff are on hand to help with everyday tasks, which helps reduce the worry of dealing with personal care, reduced mobility, general frailty and isolation.

brooklands care home norwich

We offer the highest level of support to residents living with dementia so that they can live life to the full. Danforth care homes provide a safe environment for all our residents which, in turn, gives peace of mind to their friends, families and loved ones. Since it is vital that both mind and body remain active, daily activities are at the heart of our dementia care. Brooklands is situated in Drayton village four miles outside of Norwich City.

Broadlands Lodge beautiful care home, Norwich, Norfolk

Due to the current international pandemic, some of the things we reference on our website, such as our regular public events, are affected. Please speak to our home team for the most up-to-date details and visit the Covid-19 area of our website to see how we are keeping our treasured residents safe and happy during this time. Yes, Brooklands Nursing & Residential Home provides care designed to meet the challenges faced by people living with dementia. Care designed to provide quality support and comfort for people living with life-limiting conditions. This comprehensive guide to adult social care in Norfolk provides you with information covering falls prevention, safety in the home, accessing help from social care and much more.

The home is housed in a tastefully decorated 18th century farmhouse with an incredibly warm and welcoming atmosphere. Brooklands features stunning grounds, which are a mix of lawn, raised flowerbeds and allotments. This provides a wonderful view from the dining rooms – bringing back happy memories for many a resident. There are spacious elegant lounges and dining rooms on each floor, which serve an assortment of delicious and freshly prepared meals. Their speciality however, which proves incredibly popular with the residents, is the traditional best of British food.

Why do we have a profile score?

Our library provides a quaint and peaceful spot on the 2nd floor where residents can enjoy a game of chess, read a book, or just sit out and enjoy the fresh air from the balcony. The use of the library can provide an uplifting mood, better concentration and better long and short-term memory. Medical care from a qualified nurse, and treatment for residents with illness or injuries. Ratings are provided by Care Quality Commission and reflects the most recent report for this care home, which was published on 19 December 2017. Social media provides an up to date window on the activities within a provider's setting. The depth of our knowledge goes way beyond our training and awareness of each person’s medical and physical needs.

brooklands care home norwich needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding. There are a selection of lounge spaces and dining rooms on each floor, allowing everyone freedom of choice and the independence to move around the building as they please. Carebase understands that your information is important and in the wrong hands it poses a risk to your rights and freedoms. In order to help you protect your information our Privacy Policy will explain what information we collect, why we collect it, what we do with it, how long we keep it for, who can access it and what your rights are.

Inspection ratings

Autumna has invited care providers to evidence the infection control measures they are carrying out, above and beyond those laid out by the government, in order to keep residents, staff and visitors safe. Autumna is the UK's largest and most comprehensive later-life living & elderly care directory. Our detailed search facility and team of expert advisors can help you find the best care homes, nursing homes, retirement homes, retirement villages, home care, and live-in care services for you or your loved one's needs. Our website is free to use, we are proudly independent, and we never take referral fees.

brooklands care home norwich

However, a paid subscription allows more information to be added and as a result a higher profile score. We think it’s important you have detailed, comprehensive information so that you can decide which care providers to shortlist. Danforth Care Homes aim to help older people live happier, healthier and more fulfilled lives. We give peace of mind to our residents' families, who have entrusted us with the care of their loved ones. Broadlands Lodge has been designed to give all residents a fantastic lifestyle in a beautiful, fun and safe environment. The spacious rooms and suites all have en-suite wet rooms, smart TV's and mini-fridges.

Offering outstanding residential, nursing and dementia care, Brooklands houses happy and content residents.

The home overlooks the Wensum valley and has recently been extended and now provides 64 well equipped single rooms and 6 double rooms, most of which are en suite. A dedicated events organiser provides a rich programme of activity, while all food is home made and freshly prepared on site. Brooklands now has a new and specialist early stage dementia unit, as well as a large, secure garden and patio area. The home works very closely with local organisations and the community, and through its range of care services, is able to deliver to residents, a seamless provision of services through time as specific needs arise.

brooklands care home norwich

Call now for more details - staff are happy to answer any of your questions about care. For more details - staff are happy to answer any of your questions about care. Unfortunately not, Brooklands Nursing & Residential Home does not allow residents to bring their own pets.

Browse Care Providers nearby:

There are a variety of spaces for the residents to socialise in, like the bar, lounge and dining areas. A hairdressing salon offers pampering treatments, while the beautiful grounds are perfect for daily strolls and gardening. Any short break resident can take part in all the daily activities and will receive the same highest quality of care that full-time residents enjoy. A respite break is also an excellent opportunity to trial the wonderful facilities on offer before deciding to make a permanent move. Broadlands Lodge luxury care home is a purpose built, five-star luxury accommodation, with exceptional finishing touches.

brooklands care home norwich

We provide the highest standard of residential, dementia and respite care to all residents in a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Broadlands Lodge care home in Norwich, Norfolk, opened in October 2022 and provides 24-hour residential and dementia care, within a newly built, state-of-the-art home, where residents stay for one all encompassing fee. Broadlands Lodge is part of Danforth Care Ltd. and benefits from the support of an experienced management team. They inspect care homes and care services to make sure they are safe, caring, effective, responsive and well-led.

Residential Care

This room has easy access to the garden and provides a bright and welcoming space. Available for residents to sit and enjoy the sunshine from the floor to ceiling windows or maybe partake in some indoor/outdoor planting, either way it has a very relaxing feel . Our infection prevention and control inspections look at how well people using a service are kept safe from the spread of infections. We’re always looking for amazing people to join our exceptional team who care for our residents with love and kindness. If you are looking for care, if you think a family member needs support, or if you want to know what services are available for carers, find the information you need in the pages below. At other times we offer an answer phone service so please leave a message and we'll call you back.

Choice Dining is a food-focused accreditation designed to give care-seekers like yourself the ability to consider and compare the dining experience within different care settings. We have therefore encouraged every provider to open their ‘online windows and doors’ to help you make an informed choice. Danforth Care Homes offers short-term respite stays for older people who might not want or need to move in permanently. Whether they are recovering from surgery or illness, or want to give their family carer a break, short stays can be organised and then repeated as often as required. Our caring and friendly staff use specialised technology which assists in providing this personalised care. Our computerised care planning system allows us to develop a personal and individual care plan for every resident, that includes their hobbies and interests as well as medical needs.

After several years spent working as a carer, Karen was promoted to the role of team leader managing and overseeing care in the community. It was this impactful work that inspired her move to residential care, as Deputy Manager in a care home. Residential care is an ideal option for older people who could benefit from some extra support and security in their lives. Staff are on hand to help with everyday tasks, which helps reduce the worry of dealing with personal care, reduced mobility, general frailty and isolation.

brooklands care home norwich

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